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筆狀磁鍉針 magnetic pen shaper massager永久磁石磁気治療マッサージャー

筆狀磁鍉針 magnetic pen shaper massager永久磁石磁気治療マッサージャー

簡介:磁能棒筆狀磁鍉針/磁療筆/經絡美容磁療棒 magnetic pen shaper massager永久磁石磁気治療マッサージャー


 磁鍉針Otari magnetic pen shaper massager Original price HKD700/EA 

原產地Origin:香港 Hong Kong 

Size:長140.4mm x 12mm(直徑)

重量Weight: 116.6G

配置清單:磁療筆一支、筆帽一個、說明書一本、筆盒一個。Attached the catalogue with Chinese and English description.



美容方面: 黑眼圈、眼袋、眼角魚尾紋。磁療針的筆帽(套)達3500高斯有美容淡斑、去 黑眼圈去浮腫的作用。使用方法:黑眼圈浮腫,早晚清洗完臉後塗上眼霜或眼部精華液用磁療針筆帽輕輕畫圈按摩2-3分鐘。註意不要太幹,如果眼霜幹了是吸收進去了,可再塗上使用。面部淡斑,也是清洗完臉後塗 上按摩膏用筆帽在面部輕輕打圈按摩跟我們平時按摩動作一樣。經常堅持用。皮膚也會收緊一些。當使用時磁力線可透入體內達6-9CM相當於傳統針灸的深度。特點:針頭不會刺入人體、使用者不會有恐懼感,但效果與針炙有同樣的治療作用。      磁鍉針具備操作簡單、便於推廣、對人體無創傷、無痛苦等諸多特點,不僅符合世界衛生組織所倡導的醫療保健發展方向,而且順應了醫療保健家庭化的世界潮流。

the use of demonstration as per following video





磁鍉針療法巧妙地利用負壓原理非常方便地針在在人體經穴上,居家、旅遊、辦公之余,均可隨時隨地地針灸。並且操作簡單,容易掌握,是 一種幾分鐘就可以學會的針灸術,既可以自己針灸,也可以學會給別人針灸。








    高血壓、心臟病、失眠、便秘、頭痛等癥,長期使用會有明顯的改善作用。使用方法就是哪裏痛點哪裏 當場即可止痛消炎,止痛、消炎效果好,針到痛止,尤其對關節炎及勞損等慢性病的治療效果尤為明顯。










     一位瓦匠大爺患有很嚴 重的前列腺方面疾病很苦惱,醫院醫生告訴他可以考慮手術治療,大爺正在猶豫要不要做手術時知道了奧達力磁療針,經過一個月的調理大爺感覺效果很好,所以以後每天堅持做磁療.

婆婆患了嚴重的失眠癥,據她自己說整晚整晚幾乎是徹夜 失眠,據她自己講幾乎是整晚整晚徹夜失眠,而她的老伴又患有腦血栓需要照顧很辛苦,大娘很期望解決失眠這個問題,她說只要能讓她每天可以睡上兩個小時她就心滿意足了,結果用奧達力磁療針只調理了一天,當晚就睡了六個小時,大娘真是感激涕零說用磁鍉針真是太神奇了!

現代人體內缺磁的主要原因:高樓大廈隔離了磁力線。 相關生活小常識:床宜南北方向放置磁力棒。



1 针灸学上的神阕是禁针的.

2 神阙穴(肚脐)、乳中穴不能针。





How to maintain and clean the Magnetic Massager?


First need use the dry cloth or tissue with detergent or Alcohol disinfectant to clean the massager then apply some oil then clean it again and keep it in a wooden box to prevent the effection from outside.

 Function: magnetotherapy needle  is made by high power permanent magnetic substance, its surface's magnetic field > 5800 Gauss. When in use its magnetic beam can penetrate into the body by 6-9 cm, which is almost equivalent to the depth of traditional acupuncture.

Characteristics: Since its massager head will not penetrate into the human body, therefore, user would not have fear. However, its healing function is similar to that of traditional acupuncture.

Magnetic (Magnetotherapy) the so-called magnetic therapy is the use of magnetic or magnetic treatment of diseases of the methods referred to treatment sites placed in a variable magnetic field in an attempt to produce under the magnetic field effect on the human organism in order to achieve a non-invasive type of therapeutic purposes.

Benefit: Superior on pain-relief and anti-inflammation. Just point and the pain will be stopped. Healing effects are significant particular to arthritis and chronic diseases such as strains. Prolonged use will significantly improve high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, constipation and headache.

How to use: Many people are worry about not finding the correct acting point, in fact this worry is unnecessary because the magnetotherapy needle is functioning through magnetic field instead of piecing directly into the human body, and its effective magnetic field is about 3cm in diameter, therefore, it is not required to act on the point precisely. All you have to do is to find the point of pain, and this functional point is called the Ashi point in traditional Chinese medicine. Use the needle once or twice daily, each time 10-15 minutes. (Note: please use it patiently, to get the best result you should feel aching, numb, swelling and a bit pain around the healing point.) To use the needle according to personal tolerance, and for patient with chronic disease one healing period is 10 days. Prolonged use of it will produce unexpected results.

Applicable condition: Initial phrase of bruise and sprain, damaged skin area, strong reaction towards magnetic field are forbidden to use; furthermore, after use of it the skin colour may have visible change, and this is a sign depending on the seriousness of your illness, the colour will disappear a few days later.                

電話:00852-97805236 傳真: E-mail:echokong_0821@yahoo.co.jp
地址:日本大阪市平野区5470004,加美鞍作2-16-16 3F

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