Echo & Kern 五点セット翡翠フェイスローラー 顔 マッサージ 美顔水牛角かっさプレートJade Roller and Buffalo Horn Gua
Echo & Kern 五点セット翡翠フェイスローラー 顔 マッサージ 美顔水牛角かっさプレートJade Roller and Buffalo Horn Gua Sha Scraping Anti Aging Massage Tool Set for Face and Body
価格: |
+ ¥800配送料 |
- Jade Stone Derma Roller翡翠美顔ローラー大きなヒスイロールで顔をマッサージして、成長方向に沿って皮膚を押してください。 小さなヒスイのロールで、目をマッサージするこたができます。
- 玉石(翡翠)はマグネシウムを多く含んでおり、優れ た抗菌作用も持ち合わせています。また、石温度が低く(ひんやり冷たく)、血行をよくし、安眠を誘い、健康維持にも人気です。
- 翡翠美顔ローラーは、天然石である翡翠で作られた 美容ローラーで,天然玉石(翡 翠)の解毒と浄化効果を利用して伝統の技で作ったものです。
- クールダウン効果が ある、1日1回に10〜15分マッサージしてください。(お肌に合わない場合はご使用をおやめください。)
100% natural stone jade roller is a necessary beauty tool to complete your daily routine.
With regular use of jade roller on your face, it can help release facial tension, promote a natural glow and improve skin elasticity and making your skin glow.
Use the natural healing properties of jade stone to ward off stress and anxiety and promote calming and relaxed state.
水牛角かっさプレート Gua Sha is a healing technique used in China by practitioners of Traditional Medicine, in both the clinical setting and in homes Our Gua Sha boards are made of 100% buffalo horn, durable, static free and most easy to clean, just by using a cloth. The authentic traditional Chinese technique right at your doorstep. It involves palpation and cutaneous stimulation where the skin is pressured, in strokes, by a round-edged instrument Results in the appearance of small red spot called "sha", that will fade in 2 to 3 days Raising Sha removes blood stagnation considered pathogenic, promoting normal circulation and metabolic processes The patient experiences immediate relief from pain, stiffness, fever, chill, cough, nausea, and so on The effect will be much better, when you use guasha oil at the same time. A great Gift Idea A gift that will be most appreciated by both those who are in pain and those who want to offer themselves a full body detoxification that will make their skin look and feel better, smoother and more moisturized.
Benefits- Discourages the appearances of wrinkles and improves skin tone.
- Relieves facial tension and promotes blood circulation.
- Stimulates blood flow and deeply relaxes your muscles.
- Removes dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.
- Removes toxins through the process of lymphatic drainage.
Relax, Roll and Restore.
Keep it in the fridge or freezer for maximum cooling and anti- swelling effects. This promotes a cooling effect on your skin
At the end of a looong day, your facial muscles store a lot of tension, which can cause wrinkles and fine lines. Jade rolling helps increase blood circulation through stimulation. It drains congested lymph nodes, rids the body of toxins/waste. It stimulates collagen production, which helps with sinus issues and also removes under eye puffiness and dark circles.
With gentle pressure and motion, it promotes circulation, plumping and sculpting of the skin
Enjoy a spa like massage at the comfort and convenience from your home.