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Jade roller facial massage instructions

Jade roller facial massage instructions

簡介:Jade stone roller massage manual and directions


J a d e • R o l l e r • A universal tool beneficial for all skin types. Great for cooling skin, lymphatic drainage and a nice way to complete your a.m. and p.m. routines. 

Double jade rollers have two ends: one containing a larger sized stone (intended for the forehead, cheeks, jawline, and neck) and one containing a smaller stone (for the under eyes.)

In a nutshell, the roller helps eliminate puffiness—and there’s actually science behind how it works. The roller massages the lymphatic system, which is a network of tissues and organs just below the skin that helps to rid the body of toxins and waste.

“Our face, just like our bodies, can store excess water and be sluggish in the removal of toxins,” explains Dr. Lamees Hamdan, the founder of Shiffa, a luxury skincare line from Dubai. “Massaging the lymphatic system is key to helping our face move the excess water, which causes the puffiness. When lymph is flowing freely in the face, you’ll have clearer, healthier skin without a buildup of toxins and fluids.”

Even if you’re not convinced that a piece of stone can give you Angelina’s chiseled cheek-bones, there’s also a spiritual component that sways many devotees. Many cultures see jade as a symbol of prosperity, purity, and tranquility—celebrating the stone for its ability to absorb negative energy.

How Do You Use It?

First things first: it should always be used on clean, moisturized skin. It be  recommended starting from your clavicle, then moving to the jawline and neck, followed by the nose, lips, chin, forehead, and finally, ending with the eyes. Also, it’s important to remember that rolling should be done in an “upward and outward” direction.

Gently glide the dual jade roller over clean skin 2-3 times daily for 5-10minutes. The roller is moved with just the weight of the roller pressing the skin. No additional pressure is needed or of benefit. Can be used before application of make up or whilst applying creams to encourage deep penetration for skincare products.


From the center of the forehead moving either left or right begin at the hairline, rolling slowly toward the ear. Repeat 3 to 6 times over the same area.



Using the small roller, work the lids and under eye area. Continue rolling in strips from the corner of the eye to the ear with the small roller.


Nose, lips and chin

Using the large roller, work from the nose out to the ear. Continue with upper lip, lower lip and the chin. At the chin follow along the lower jaw line to under the ear lobe. Then repeat with the other side.


Jawline and neck

Starting on the chin, work from the center outward and upward on the cheeks. Then at the center, make sweeping rolls under the chin towards the collar bone, working outwards to the sides of the neck.


For sinus pain and pressure

Dampen a washcloth and microwave about 10 seconds. Place over your forehead, eyes and cheekbones. Then starting  just above your eyebrows, using the smaller roller, roll from the center of your face as indicated and continue down to just below your cheek bones.


"It be  recommend keeping your jade roller in the fridge for a cooling sensation that helps reduce undereye swelling and puffiness," explains Edyta Jarosz, Lead Aesthetician at PFRANKMD Skin Salon in Manhattan. "It can be used by itself or in combination with your regular under eye creams."

It is also recommended incorporating the roller into your nightly routine after applying your skincare products. "It will boost blood circulation which plumps and firms face and help products absorb better into your skin," she says.


To clean the roller, wipe it gently with a damp cloth and dry it with a soft towel. Avoid using very hot water at all costs, and never soak it or submerge it in water. It is good to leave it on a cloth or towel for a little while after cleaning to make sure it is completely dry before putting it away. Do not expose Jade to harsh chemicals or cleaning agents as it would erode the finish and polish.


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